About 14 years ago I attended my first TCEA conference. Tech was still confined to computer labs and maybe one or two computers in a classroom if you were lucky. I enjoyed using technology even in the early years of its inception into education. I realized it was “hooking” the children, but it was grabbing me even more. I looked at it from a practical sense in that I saw how much easier it made lesson planning and extending my content area.

Fast forward to 2015 and TCEA is quite a bit different than it was 14 years ago. But so is the technology. I would have never guessed it to be such a game changer in pedagogy. I learned a lot from the classes I attended, but I also had much that I already knew/believed reiterated to me about technology in education. It was unbelievably exciting to be surrounded by that many educators that were as passionate about technology as I was, and some even more so.

Wednesday Sessions

  1. Instructional Technology Made Simple w/ Jason Ulmer from RecordexUSA
  2. Connecting via Google Hangouts: EduAllStars w/ Todd Nesloney
  3. Showing How Awesome You Are: School and Leadership w/ Steve Anderson
  4. Your Teachers Deserve World Class Support w/ Chris Nilsson
  5. Tammy’s Favorite Technology Tips, Tricks, and Tools w/ Tammy Worcester Tang
  6. Everyone Has Facebook, Even Parents w/ Sarah Dickens from Livingston ISD
  7. iTech Nation: Flipping Professional Development

Thursday Sessions

  1. Solutions Through Centers w/ Twyla Felty
  2. Cool Collaborative Activities for the 1:1 Classroom w/ Tammy Worcester Tang
  3. Tech Ninjas w/ Todd Nesloney
  4. Tech Tools For The Flipped Classroom
  5. Expo Center

Friday Sessions

  1. App-Smashing – Don’t Just Stop With One w/ Janet Corder and Joan Gore, J2Training
  2. The Fearless Classroom: Gaming in the Classroom w/ Joli Barker